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Everywhere, No where
I started the CLF as a joke on Ravelry, back in July of 2007. The joke was on me, we're a real group, that seeks to liberate ourselves from stereo types about our craft and ourselves. Other than being called "Fearless Leader", I'm a designer, mother, editor, wife, hand spinner, yarn addict, incessant reader, and over all geek in the coolest of geeky ways.

Beware Defamers of the Hook!

Beware Defamers of the Hook!
Like Joan of Arc, and the Scarlet Pimpernel we are here to seek Justice!

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Official Blog of the Crochet Liberation Front

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Website update, video tutorials, and other stuff

Well, I updated the CLF website. The front page is changed, I added a page of video tutorials that will be added to from time to time. The offerings on the page are diverse from folks within and without the industry! Rock on folks! We are the hooksters (you know like hipsters) and crochet is very cool...as is evidenced in the videos.

I get really frustrated working on the website, mostly because of stupid broken links, everything else is easy. I can do the buttons and scrolling dancing monkies (if I wanted to, but they won't load on my computer at home on dial up!), but broken links, they are my bane. So, when I whine about building the site, just know it's the dang typos that are killing me ;) LOL...I just don't have all the hours in every day to do all that needs doing ;) No rest for this wicked wicked woman.

Speaking of no rest for the wicked, I am working away on the adult book. I extended the deadline on the third book, folks will know if they got in by the 12th of June. I'm taking my time with these things.

Remember, though I have "help", I am doing the book production as me/myself/ and I. I can have folks look over and do some editing. But, ultimately I take on the whole enchelada :) WHOO HOO! Instead of giving myself and ulcer, like I did last year, I am taking it easy.

So while you wait for the second and third books, why not get the first book! You can get it from our website http://www.crochetliberationfront.com/clfbookhome.html if you are outside of the states order your book from http://www.gailsyarns.com/ and if you just want the .pdf download get it from http://www.lulu.com/camanomade it's only $9.99 there ;)

So, folks we're plugging away working, juggling, running, and hooking...Thanks for the thoughts and offers of assistance. It's all appreciated. Oh and I will leave you with this:

We're planning the CLF retreat for October 2010. Yes, that is right!

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