Ok, I did get back from vacation and I did get well. Funny thing is I was soooooo tired. And I had to finish cleaning my house. Some where along the book writing, editing, and publishing thing, plus the fair, plus Portland, I had ended up with an UNHOLY mess (is there a holy mess? I'd like to see one)...Anyway, the house is now mostly respectable and family is duly chastised for letting me ignore them ignoring it ;)
I've oddly enough spent the past four days crocheting! Oh that felt so good...I have rediscovered surface crochet, and I have to say I'm in love...If you have a fun yarn, but not a lot of it, it's a great way to use it up, and embellish something...it's easy and only limited to your imagination!
The other thing I've been doing is working on the book...yes, marketing folks...I'll be featured on a blog called Creative Mothers, and in the interview shamelessly promoted our wonderful BOOK!
It's back up for sale now! And you can get it on Amazon.com for $27.75 plus free shipping! I can't come close to offering that good of a deal so please have at it! If you are on Ravelry, or Getting Loopy use their links and they get a few pennies ;)