Do I have a story for involves conquest, danger, intregue...ok well none of those except a minor feeling of conquest...
Once a month I host an all fiber arts group in my town. I never know if there will be three or thirty people, we have a potluck, kids are welcome, and you don't even have to bring things to work on...if you're in need of community we're there...if you want to learn something, this is the place to ask! We network with each other, swap stories and techniques, and spin a hell of a lot of yarn.
So, my group happened last night, I didn't really want to go, I was tired, and had had a very small group the last month so I just thought, "Ugh I have to drive into town for two people?"....
But lo and behold I walked in late (I pick up one of the group memebers), and there are already four people there, five more were walking in behind me! WHOOT now that's worth the 2o minute drive!
Here's the funny part, all of the folks I know there are primarily spinners and knitters, they dabble with other techniques. Just like I'm a spinner and crocheter and I dabble with other techniques...anyway, all of them decided to CROCHET at the meeting! Two people bought the CLF book, and I got to sign it...that felt cool.
But after seven years of living here, I have finally made a dent...They were even bragging to some new people that "Oh she can crochet ANYTHING!" LOL...I suppose I could, but their conffidence in me was lovely...
So hook on and live long my friends...If I could witness what I did last night I just know that nothing is impossible!
- Fearless Leader of the CLF
- Everywhere, No where
- I started the CLF as a joke on Ravelry, back in July of 2007. The joke was on me, we're a real group, that seeks to liberate ourselves from stereo types about our craft and ourselves. Other than being called "Fearless Leader", I'm a designer, mother, editor, wife, hand spinner, yarn addict, incessant reader, and over all geek in the coolest of geeky ways.
Beware Defamers of the Hook!

Like Joan of Arc, and the Scarlet Pimpernel we are here to seek Justice!
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Official Blog of the Crochet Liberation Front
Sunday, October 19, 2008
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Blog Archive
- Let's Represent...Political Hooking...
- The Fearless Leader Award
- Shaking it up...
- What's up Fearless Leader?
- Hookalicious Mitts
- Uncle Cancer by Crotcheteer
- Power to the Picot!
- Thoughts from Fearless Leader
- CLF Book News
- Back from Vacation and to work....egads...
- HEY, HEY, my my…
- I'm getting better...really....and vacation news...
- Book Fix before more get sold...
- Sick, Tired, and Errata
- Book Selling biznez
- More about the book!
CLF Salutes the following Sites
- Crochet Guild of America!
- CLF Sponser! The Secrets of Yarn Project
- Crochet with Dee
- Really REALLY cool crochet Stitch Diva
- Vashti Braha's Blog...neat information for crochet!
- Carol Ventura's Tapestry Crochet
- Prudence Mapstone's WONDERFUL free form crochet and that other yarn craft too
- Stunning wearable art by Myra Wood
- Beautiful Offerings by Bonnie Pierce
- Designer Karen Whooley's Site
- Awarded the Set My Picot Free Badge of Honor...Monster Crochet