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Everywhere, No where
I started the CLF as a joke on Ravelry, back in July of 2007. The joke was on me, we're a real group, that seeks to liberate ourselves from stereo types about our craft and ourselves. Other than being called "Fearless Leader", I'm a designer, mother, editor, wife, hand spinner, yarn addict, incessant reader, and over all geek in the coolest of geeky ways.

Beware Defamers of the Hook!

Beware Defamers of the Hook!
Like Joan of Arc, and the Scarlet Pimpernel we are here to seek Justice!

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Official Blog of the Crochet Liberation Front

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Setting our Picot Free!!!

Originally uploaded by anna_maranta

Our first Set My Picot Free Award of 2009 goes to CLF Member Maranta, for her "Crazy Summer Top"...

You have got to go onto Ravelry.com and check out this project, it is amazing! The flowers are crocheted, the top is crocheted, it's well made, beautifully and artistically composed, and is just the BEST of what crochet can be....and it's FUN!!! I LOVE THIS TOP!!

I am actually going to break from my normal habits and actually post several views of this from her project notebook on our blog because it is too dang fun! And you MUST see the details!

Gorgeous work...

CLF Member Maranta you are duly awarded the Set My Picot Free Award for outstanding crochet skill, composition and beauty! Congratulations!

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