Minions! It is almost upon us, the fated 31 days of nationally celebrated hooking!
That's right, March is National Crochet Month... On ravelry we are planning a NatCroMoParty check it out in the Crochet Liberation Front Headquarters Group...
What can you do to celebrate crochet?
1) Wear your crochet! Let people see how great you are!
2) St. Paddy's day and Easter fall in March this year make fun things for friends, family, charity!
3) As local businesses (cafes, stores etc), libaries etc to let you display some great crochet information.
4) Teach someone to crochet
5) Learn something new and post it on your blog
6) Blog every day in March about Crochet!
Why? Well, heck and darn if we don't root a toot toot our own craft-wise horns who will?