- Fearless Leader of the CLF
- Everywhere, No where
- I started the CLF as a joke on Ravelry, back in July of 2007. The joke was on me, we're a real group, that seeks to liberate ourselves from stereo types about our craft and ourselves. Other than being called "Fearless Leader", I'm a designer, mother, editor, wife, hand spinner, yarn addict, incessant reader, and over all geek in the coolest of geeky ways.
Beware Defamers of the Hook!

Like Joan of Arc, and the Scarlet Pimpernel we are here to seek Justice!
Search for Crochet

Official Blog of the Crochet Liberation Front
Friday, May 30, 2008
"Hooked on Murder" Setting our Picot Free!
First of all I wish to applaude her for making us our own mystery novel with crochet playing an integral role. I have to admit being a mystery lover I've been a wee bit jealous of all the pointy stick action.
As far as books go, I have to say it's not a bad read, it's good light reading, and I really enjoyed getting to know the main character Molly Pink. I found myself wanting to help ease her frustration and confidence as she learned to crochet...
I see a huge potential for the series to mature and bloom, as will Molly's crochet skills.
But hey we hookers got a murder mystery, and an author who cares enough about hooks to give us some juicy sleuthing! YAY!
Betty Hechtman you are duly awarded the Set My Picot Free Award for liberating the hook from literary oppression!
(For the record this group started in July 2007, the book came out in 2008, LOL...no I didn't start the group because of the book...and yes I've been asked that question :) LOL)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ok this is awesome...Crocheted Cactus!

Originally uploaded by Ben!!!
Ok...this is kitschalicious!! I love this catus! Made by CLF Member BanjoFish!! He crocheted this lovely catcus, and wet felted the pot with dyed wool...
I love this it's fun, creative and brilliant!! BanjoFish made this for a fiber arts class so I hope he got a good grade!! If not then, he can show the class this award!
BanjoFish you are duly awarded the Kitschalicious Award...cause this is tooooo awesome...and I think it also is brilliantly creative and well made!
Hookalicious Cables!

Originally uploaded by Ceci's Creations
CLF Member Ceci designed and crocheted this fabulous bag!! Check out her projects in her Ravelry notebook!
Ceci you are duly awarded the Hookalicious Award for outstanding design, and curvaciously cool cables!
I was just saying we make perfectly lovely cables in crochet :) Thanks for proving my point :)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Awesome First Attempt!

Tapestry Tote Bag 2
Originally uploaded by ruth4crochet
CLF Member ruth4crochet made this tapestry crochet bag, and improvised the design... I am awarding her with a Set My Picot Free Award! WHY?
Because this is her first attempt, she improvised, and it turned out great!! Check out her project notes in her Ravelry notebook!
Setting your picot free means trying new things, experimenting, and leaving your comfort zone...(it means other things too, but today this is what the award means...)
Ruth4Crochet! YAY for you! You are duly awarded the Set My Picot Free Award for an AWSOME first tapestry crochet project (I wish my first attempt had looked this good!)
Kitschalicious! Bookmark

Originally uploaded by skorpion11
CLF Member claudiapetra made this fabulous book mark designed by fellow CLF Member Sandyfroglegs!
She calls it "oops" but the pattern is called Spider to Web Bookmark, check it out in her projects. Check it out in her notebook on ravely! It's cute!
Claudiapetra you are duly awarded the Kitschalicious award for funky crocheted goodness.
Yet another wee rant by the Big Cheese...
Our numbers continue to grow (I know I need to update the numbers here on the blog info...) almost 1800 people call the CLF home on Ravelry....and more join daily! Wow...It's really exciting!
I've even had some fan mail for our podcast! Yeah, how cool is that?!
So what do I have to rant about...well I'm making it crochet related, but I will warn you this type of behavior annoys me no matter what subject matter is at hand...and I don't know how to fix the problem, but I do now that I'm highly annoyed.
Edited for relevance: This has more to do with a gathering that I was at this weekend, and well it just bugged me...cause it happens so frequently I could spit.
Ok, so I will say something like (no anger involved folks, just an off the cuff comment) "You know I never knew about LYS'es before I started spinning. I mean I saw some stores but since it had knit in the name I didn't even think to go inside...."
And all of a sudden what ever knitter is present (good, bad or indifferent) will often (notice I am not saying always), "Well there are only so many good yarn store names..."
I mean immediate defense... I was making a comment about my personal journey, not a political statement, nothing of the sort...just that I personally, me...myself, and I, had never thought to go into a store that had "Knit...blah, blah blah" in the name because I crochet and I never associated it with knitting. It's not just me, many folks who crochet think in a similar manner. It's not a complaint, it is a statement of fact....
As I have written in past posts, hey I don't go to Boat World to by a car either....
So here's the beef, cause it's not about yarn stores. If someone makes a comment, just a comment about their personal experience or thought process...don't jump into defend yourself or what you do...listen. Listen carefully, are they challenging everything you know to be true and real? Or are they expressing their thoughts?
I mean I just tend to have this happen because I am a candid person. I will express my feelings, and my thoughts, and sometimes it's about crochet and sometimes it's not...
I see this on the board at the CLF, I will make a comment or post something about a crocheters experience, or crochet-centric post, and all of a sudden there has to be ONE post from a person who does both defending the pointy sticks.
I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say, and most days I just get up and walk away from my computer, because honestly it gets pretty annoying to have to keep repeating myself... The CLF is a CROCHET organization. I don't care what other crafts you do, you can do what ever you like, and enjoy it...I do lots of other things besides crochet (gasp and horror)...but the CLF is a crochet group.
I don't care what the perspective of the pointy stickers is when it comes to yarn or crochet, really. I do not get into compare and contrast, it's a silly thing to do. They are both valid.
My goal was, and always has been, and STILL IS to create an identity for crochet. We are valid, we are excellent, we do not need to be an addendum to any other craft, we don't need any other group to validate us, and I do not care what other crafters think of what we do.
What I care about is what we think.
I do not know how to further explain that to stand up for what we want is not crushing or defiling anything to do with any other craft. I am not suggesting we go to a fiber arts conference and shadow other crafters in the hall way and laugh at them and call them names... I am not even suggesting that we criticize them they way we have been criticized, though occasions may warrant it....
What I am saying is that when I say or write something about crochet, that's it...It is about crochet, it's not about anyone else.
And when I speak or write about classical music, or handspinning, or gardening, or what have you I am speaking about that...no one ever needs to justify themselves to me or anyone else... That whole justifying thing just annoys the fuzzy out me...
Crochet Meditation for the WEEK: Find worth in what you do and feel secure in that....
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Fat Bottom Bag is Hookalicious!

Fat Bottom Bag
Originally uploaded by coveykeating
CLF Member TwistedRedHead made this fabulous bag! This is one totally Hookalicious Handbag! I love it!
She used the "Fat Bottom Bag" pattern by Julie Armstrong Holetz. TwistedRedhead loves this pattern so much, she's made three of these bags! That's always a great pattern recommedation!
Congratulations TwistedRedhead! You have been awarded the Hookalicious Award for Fine Hookin'!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A Hookilicious Seat Cover

Originally uploaded by kmay28
Ok, this is cool! CLF Member kmay28 created this fabulous seatcover! It's very cool...The instructions are simple...just keep making a circle....Check out her project page to find out how to finish it ;)
Kmay28 consider yourself awarded with the Hookilicious Award for a nifty way to make over the barstools!
Hooks Raised CLF SALUTE!

Originally uploaded by purl design
These Apple Chips were created by CLF Member Marzena! These are totally kitschilicous! Marzena made these as a fundraiser for her local "Apple Festival" for the youth program there...If people donated they got a chip!
These are too cute!!
Hooks Raised! CLF Salute! Marzena you rock and are awarded the CLF Kitschilicious Award!
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Originally uploaded by kroowka8
This gorgeous crocheted top was made by CLF member kroowka...
She wrote in her notes that this was inspired by a Korean top. Well, this piece is MORE than inspiring. I am in awe of her brilliant skills, and elegant taste in garments.
Kroowka you Set OUR Picot Free! Consider yourself duly awarded the Set My Picot Free award for outstanding crocheted excellence!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
This Owlet is Kitschalicious!

Originally uploaded by iadorebob
CLF member Suzieque made this cute little guy using a pattern by Brigitte Read.
I have a fondness for owls (and frogs and lizards too!) and this little fella is just tooooooo cute!
Congratulations Suzieque! You are duly awarded the Kitschalicious award for Cuteness :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Crochet Liberation Front Grows AGAIN!
As I work on our FIRST EVER BOOK, and try decide, how to publish, what venues to use, and develop a marketing plan (which is the easy part for me...some of the other stuff though...sheesh)...
I just have to say, THANK YOU for being so awesome! You are all totally hookalicious babes and dudes and I think we can be proud of our fine selves, and fine work!
Hooks Raised CLF Salute!
Hookalicious Afghan!

Originally uploaded by Lu44
CLF member Lu44 made this fantastic Afghan from the Leisure arts #108205, Herschners Blue-Ribbon Afghans...
She has a bit to say about the pattern, which you'll have to read on her projects page...
Her skill at ammending the information, produced this fantastic afghan...enough so that next time someone puts down crocheted afghans send them to this page! WOW...this is fantastic!
Congrats Lu44! This is one hookalicious ghan!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
MIser's Purse by Fuzzykaren...Hookalicious!

Originally uploaded by fuzzykaren
CLF Member Fuzzykaren, made this delightful Miser's Purse from silk thread and beads...The pattern is from a Lacis Publication called Beadwork... Check out Fuzzykaren's project page for this decadent, and beautiful work...Great story in her project notes...
Fuzzykaren, you have been awarded the Hookalicious Award for outstanding crocheted skill and beauty!
Live Long, Hook on!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The Crochet Liberation Front First Ever Book
This will be one hell of a crochet aficionados book! We have everything from simple project ideas to complex works of fantastic crocheted goodness. There will be items with the CLF Logo, fingerless gloves, bags, hats, tops, and more...Everything from broomstick lace to tapestry crochet, to Tunisian crochet and Free Form lace...
Amazing work! Amazing pieces, and I am honored to be entrusted with the confidence of those who have submitted...we'll get this done together, and present the world a phenomenal work that really does show all that we are, and can do!
Check here for more updates, or join Ravelry.com and then the Crochet Liberation Front Headquarters Group! See ya on the board!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Crochet Kuchi Earrings~ Another Award Winner!

Crochet Kuchi Earrings
Originally uploaded by pretywtch
CLF Member pretywtch aka Jeannie made and designed these GORGEOUS earrings!
These just totally Set My Picot Free! With crochet as hot as it is in fashion these days, what a perfect accessory to go with a cute top, cardi, or crocheted skirt...(I saw the cutest crocheted skirts at the mall the other day...)
Pretywtch! Congratulations! You are duly awarded the Set My Picot Free Award for really lovely and tasteful accessories!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Jute purse is Hookalicious

Jute purse 007
Originally uploaded by andrea.c.leonard
CLF Member Andreacrochets made this great "Half Moon" purse out of Jute... This is a totally hookalicious little number!
Love it!
Check out her notes in her project page! Really interesting! Love her work, love her most excellent crochet 'tude!
Congrats Andrea, you earned this award!
Sunny Crochet Top Set's Our Picot Free!

Sunny Crochet Top1
Originally uploaded by Tancha2007
CLF Member Tanyao made this rockin' top! WOW! Has Spring, sprung? Are we dreaming of warm weather? Is she not talented! (Am I hoping to have more than one day in a row of sun in the NW and so am dreaming of wearing items like this? Yes...yes I am).
Tanyao you have very much earned a Set My Picot Free Award for crochet excellence!
Check out her fine work on Ravelry.com!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
tongue bookmark~ Totally Kitschilicious!

tongue bookmark
Originally uploaded by Sandyfroglegs
I love this bookmark! Ok first of all Frogs are cool. I have always loved froggies :) Obviously so does CLF Member Sandy Frog Legs!
Check out this Frog Tongue Book Mark pattern in her designs on Ravelry!
Congratulations SandyFrogLegs...This book mark rocks!

Originally uploaded by Noreen Crone-Findlay
CLF member NoreenCroneFindl (yes, designer Noreen Crone Findlay) created this great Earth Day Crocheted Shopping Bag!
Now that is a green item I can totally heart! (groans all round for the bad pun)
She created this a free pattern! For more information check out her designs on Ravelry.com!
Noreen, you have been awarded the Hookilicious Award for really cool crochet!
CLF Global Domination Report Lost Episode 2 Up and ready to ignore :)
Hook On!
Support the CLF! Our Zazzle Store
Blog Archive
- "Hooked on Murder" Setting our Picot Free!
- Ok this is awesome...Crocheted Cactus!
- Hookalicious Cables!
- Awesome First Attempt!
- Kitschalicious! Bookmark
- Yet another wee rant by the Big Cheese...
- Fat Bottom Bag is Hookalicious!
- A Hookilicious Seat Cover
- Applicious!
- Breathtaking....
- This Owlet is Kitschalicious!
- Crochet Liberation Front Grows AGAIN!
- Hookalicious Afghan!
- MIser's Purse by Fuzzykaren...Hookalicious!
- The Crochet Liberation Front First Ever Book
- Crochet Kuchi Earrings~ Another Award Winner!
- Jute purse is Hookalicious
- Sunny Crochet Top Set's Our Picot Free!
- tongue bookmark~ Totally Kitschilicious!
- AroundTheWorldWithCrocheted-Market-Bag-heart-qs
- CLF Global Domination Report Lost Episode 2 Up and...
CLF Salutes the following Sites
- Crochet Guild of America!
- CLF Sponser! The Secrets of Yarn Project
- Crochet with Dee
- Really REALLY cool crochet Stitch Diva
- Vashti Braha's Blog...neat information for crochet!
- Carol Ventura's Tapestry Crochet
- Prudence Mapstone's WONDERFUL free form crochet and that other yarn craft too
- Stunning wearable art by Myra Wood
- Beautiful Offerings by Bonnie Pierce
- Designer Karen Whooley's Site
- Awarded the Set My Picot Free Badge of Honor...Monster Crochet